Storm Eunice

 Yesterday (18 February 2022) was spent hunkered down at home as Storm Eunice approached and passed. The only damage was a shared fence with our next-door neighbours...

Unfortunately, our neighbours across the road suffered some roof damage...

Our Davis weather station recorded a peak gust of 64 km/hour (40 mph in old money!). We live in a built-up area and the anemometer is positioned about 5 metres (16 feet) above ground level so is not expected to see the full force of the wind.

Checking back over the historical data from our weather station (since Nov 2019), I can see there are only 4 occasions when gusts over 60 km/h were recorded. These all coincide with named storms.

11 January 2020: Brendan (60km/h)
5 February 2020: Ciara (61 km/h)
17 January 2021: Christoph (66 km/h)
18 February 2022: Eunice (64 km/h)

So, although Eunice did not have the highest wing speed, beaten a short head by Christoph, it definitely caused more damage.

Storm Arwen in November 2021 'only' achieved a gust of 58 km/h.


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