Common Hill Nature Reserve - March Update

 We paid one of our regular visits to Common Hill Nature Reserve on 22nd March. See here and here for January and February reports. The trees are still waiting to leaf up but the sward is greening up nicely as this view from the corner near the main North meadow shows...

...and looking back towards the entrance...

...and the view towards Haugh Wood as we leave the top of North Meadow...

...crossing the footpath and looking up Monument Hill towards the anthills...

...then climbing Monument Hill and looking back...

...before popping into Old Cider House...

...and, finally, from the gate looking up the slope of Round's Meadow...

...where they have been installing new stock fencing...

It was a bright sunny afternoon with a coolish breeze and a temperature of around 18-19 ℃.

Flora (flowering):
  • Lesser Celandine - widely distributed
  • Cowslip - single specimen
  • Primrose - widely distributed
  • Dog's Mercury - widely distributed
  • Daffodil - single group, garden escapee
  • Dandelion
  • Barren Strawberry
  • Sweet Violet - widely distributed
Most flowering plants seen in North Meadow

  • Three butterflies spotted but not identified. One white seen in the distance and two red/brown - possibly Comma and Peacock - seen once and fleetingly
  • Woodpecker heard in the distance (from the direction of Haugh Wood)
  • Robin
  • Wren
  • Blackbird
  • Buzzard
  • Chiffchaff
  • Pheasant
  • Wood Pigeon


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