Common Hill Nature Reserve

Common Hill Nature Reserve is a collection of small fields/meadows containing old orchard trees located near Fownhope, Herefordshire and managed by the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust (HWT). The Voluntary Warden is a friend of ours and we help out on an ad hoc basis. My job is to spot things and ask 'What is that?' so Mary can then identify and record them.

There are four parts to the nature reserve: North Meadow, Monument Hill, Old Cider House and, the recently purchased, Round's Meadow. For reasons unknown to me, we rarely visit Old Cider House - maybe it is the less interesting part of the reserve.

Today (27/1/22) was a warm sunny January day; around 13 oC at the time of our visit (2 pm). Because the reserve is on a north-facing slope, much of it was in shadow by this time of the day and the cool breeze made it feel colder.

 As a project for 2022, we thought we could keep a photographic record of the seasons on the reserve as well as a list of flora and fauna spotted there. This would need repeated visits throughout the year; no hardship during the Spring, Summer and Autumn but Winter????

Let's start with January (27/1/22). This view is from the corner of North Meadow looking east. Doesn't look much at the moment but it will fill up later with orchids and other grassland flowers attracting the butterflies and bees. In the distance, behind Mary, is one of the old orchards...

...from where this next photo is taken looking back to where the first photo was taken. In the far far distance (and out of sight) are the Black Mountains and Wales...

...walking past the orchard to the far end of North Meadow, there is a bench from which this next photo was taken. On the other side of the valley is Haugh Woods...

...crossing the lane/footpath (Wye Valley Way) you enter Monument Hill, a good place to see Wood White butterflies in summer...

...from the HWT sign looking up the Hill at the old anthills...

...and then down the Hill (looking towards the Monument Hill sign) from the top entrance to Round's Meadow...

...finally, we enter Round's Meadow with a view down the slope (Haugh Woods in the distance)...

...and then up the slope from the metal gate on the lower lane...

At this time of year, there is not much flora to see. This tortula (?) moss caught our attention...

 ...with plenty of fruiting bodies on display looking like a miniature forest...

The only other action on the reserve were three buzzards, several wood pigeons, a song thrush, a robin, three crows, about 15 rooks and a blue tit (heard but not seen).

Hopefully, more to see in February.


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