The Weir Garden, Herefordshire

 A riverside garden bordered by the River Wye and with spectacular displays of spring bulbs.

The Weir Garden (National Trust) is only a short drive away and we are regular visitors. Today (January 29) was the first open day of 2022 and just in time to see the first flush of snowdrops.

Several species of snowdrop can be found around the Garden such as the common snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)...

Elwes's snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii)...

Giant snowdrop (Galanthus woronowii) - you have to look carefully for this one and ignore the spelling mistake! It is found in Turkey and the Caucasus; not quite sure where that place on the label is!

Double snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis 'flore pleno')...

Crimean snowdrop (Galanthus plicatus)...

There may have been some we missed!

It is a bit early for the daffodils. There were plenty of leaves and some tight buds but also one or two open flowers...

... and a nice display of Algerian irises (Iris unguicularis); spot the two spelling mistakes?

The following plants were in flower, either in small groups or as individuals: aconite, celandine, primrose, violet, mahonia, crocus, heather, winter heliotrope, large daisy, dandelion, stinking hellebore and one, very lonely, wild strawberry!

And finally, after many failed attempts, Mary managed to get this photo of snowdrops - I think she was quite pleased with it...


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