Mary's 70th Birthday

This year (2024) is birthday number 70 for Mary. I reached the same milestone a couple of years ago. It also happens to be our Golden Wedding Anniversary. We will be meeting up with all the family (5 children, 5 partners and 10 grandchildren) in the middle of August before travelling down to the Isle of Wight in September to celebrate with Mary's brother & sister (and their partners).

It just so happened that the day of her birthday fell on the same day we gather, as citizen scientists, to test the waters of Newton Brook, a tributary of the River Wye.

Photo 1: Maggie, Mary, Ian, Sandra & Alan

Mary decided to bring the birthday party to our testing site for an early morning celebration (10 am), after testing of course!

In the evening, Mary & I travelled out to Symonds Yat Rock for another picnic and the chance to take in the wonderful views from Symonds Yat Rock.

Photo 2: View from Symonds Yat Rock

Photo 3: View from Symonds Yat Rock

Photo 4: View from Symonds Yat Rock

Photo 5: View from Symonds Yat Rock

The rock faces visible in Photo 5 are where the peregrine falcons nest. No sign of them today, though. In Photo 4, you might just be able to pick out the herd of Hereford Cattle, a world famous breed. For those with less than 20/20 vision, like myself, here's a close-up ...

Photo 6: Hereford Cattle grazing below Symonds Yat Rock

Finally, here is a short panorama from Symonds Yat Rock showing the surrounding countryside ...

Video 1: Panorama from Symonds Yat Rock

There are plenty of waymarked walks through the surrounding forest - we had time for a 3 kilometre stroll before heading home. Car parking, toilets and refreshments are available on-site.


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