Storm Pia

Storm Pia, named by the Danish Met Office, hit the UK on December 20th - 21st. Fortunately, Herefordshire was on the edge of the warning zone and escaped the most damaging winds.

Video 1: Storm Pia viewed from the Rear Garden

Video 2: Robin in a Spin (Storm Pia)

Video 3: Scudding Clouds (Storm Pia)

Checking the 2023 wind records, monitored by my Davis Weather Station, December 21st turned out to be the windiest day of the year so far (Figure 1). A top speed of 56 km/h at 11.30 am (21/12/23).

Figure 1: Highest and Average Wind Speeds (Daily) in 2023

The UK Storm Season runs from early September to late August in the following year. Figure 2 covers this year's storm season (double click for larger image).

Figure 2: 2023/24 UK Storm Season (Highest & Mean Daily Wind Speeds in Hereford) 

Some of the named storms are indicated in Figure 2: Debi (red dot), Elin (green), Fergus (blue) and Pia (black).

It has been a quiet year for storms in Hereford - something to be thankful for.


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