Seasonal Changes in the Garden - August 2021

August is a strange and intermediary month representing the last of summer and the first of autumn. Days can feel like high summer (hot & still) or autumnal with early morning and/or late evening chill. The garden still displays much of its colour and vibrancy but it is also the start of harvest-time. This photo, from 3rd August, shows there is still plenty of life left in the garden but with hints of autumn in the changing leaves of the acer and the ripe red berries of the mountain ash. See here for links to earlier months.

The Paradise Garden is still a great place to sit quietly with a mug of tea or coffee, maybe a piece of cake, and a good book to while away the warmer parts of the day in the company of bees and butterflies.

By the end of the month (31st), not much seems to have changed. The buddleia and lilies have gone over but there is a second flowering of the roses and the sunflowers, cosmos and fuschia have finally appeared. The Rev Wilks apples have developed that pink tinge which means they are nearly ready for picking. On the patio, a fresh batch of green coffee beans (Indian Monsoon Malabar) is roasting.

August 2021 was a warm, dry month (c.f. August 2020 which was hot and wet). Our rainwater butts (approximately 2500 L) just about coped with the dry weather.

August 2021 (2020)

Weather Parameter



Average Monthly Temperature 

17 oC (18 oC)

Maximum Monthly Temperature

26 oC (36 oC)


Minimum Monthly Temperature

8 oC (5 oC)

27th - 29th

Number of Air Frost Days

0 (0)

Number of Hot Days (> 25 oC)

4 (7)

4th, 10th, 22nd, 26th

Monthly Precipitation

25.0 mm (121.8 mm)

Greatest 24 h Precipitation

7.4 mm (52.8 mm)

2nd - 3rd

Number of Dry Days

18 (16)

Monthly Sunshine Hours (estimated)

148 (154)

Average Wind Speed

3 km/h (4 km/h)

Highest Wind Speed

31 km/h (53 km/h)


Maximum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1033.0 hPa (1023.1 hPa)


Minimum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

993.7 hPa (993.0 hPa)


Average Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1017.3 hPa (1012.6 hPa)


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