Additions to The Aviary

Things have progressed in the Aviary and there are some newcomers - also some jockeying for position. (link to previous article on the Aviary

We now have added: blue tit, woodpecker, robin and lesser black backed gull. The latter are pests in Hereford. They nest on chimney tops and fly round aggressively if they have young nearby. Also extremely noisy even in the middle of the night.

Some of the birds are roughly life sized eg sparrow, woodpecker, magpie but some definitely not to scale. The robin in the book was rather small so I adjusted the sparrow pattern and stitched in some of the colour instead of using felt.

We have been enjoying the presence of swifts recently since they arrived here on 4th May. I won’t be attempting a knitted version though. Up to 20 have been seen in the evening sky on these warm days.

Updated Knitted Aviary


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