Seasonal Changes in the Garden - January 2021

 In January 2021, I started taking photos of the back garden from an upstairs window to record the seasonal changes. I wanted to post this as a before/after slider image but I've not been able to find an app that would allow me to do this and be compatible with Blogger, of course. Once I have a full year's photographs then I may put them up as a short movie. Most photos were taken at around 10 o'clock in the morning.

Here are the photos for the beginning (7th), middle (20th) and end (31st) of January 2021.

January, 2021, Garden
January 7th: A cold night (-5℃) gave a hard frost.  It had 'warmed' up to -3℃ when this picture was taken. The winter-flowering cherry was in blossom (centre-right) as were the two sarcococca bushes with their wonderful sweet scent (though not at these temperatures!). Someone forgot to close the cold frame and the wood pigeon on the shed roof must have cold feet!

January, 2021, Winter, Garden
January 20th: Overnight temperatures were a balmy 11℃ and maintained this for most of the day. Otherwise, not much has changed.

January, 2021, Garden, Winter
January 31st: Yesterday (30/1/21) was wet (18 mm) and windy (39 km/h gusts) which explains the wet ground and overturned bin. Temperatures dropped to -1℃ overnight and humidity was in the upper 80%. Somebody has still not closed that cold frame; I think those plants are too big for it.

Weather data are from my Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus weather station. Sunshine hours are estimated using monthly total solar radiation values.

Here is the January 2021 weather summary for a Hereford (UK) town garden. Equivalent weather values for January 2020 (last year) are in red for comparison. This month (January 2021) was cold and frosty and was a forewarning of the cold spring that would start 2021. For a period of 28 hours (Jan 6th @ 19:00h to Jan 8th @ 01:30h), the temperature remained at or below freezing point.

January 2021 (2020)

Weather Parameter



Average Monthly Temperature 

4 oC (7 oC)

Maximum Monthly Temperature

14 oC (15 oC)


Minimum Monthly Temperature

- 5 oC (-3 oC)


Number of Air Frost Days

13 (4)

1st, 2nd, 6th to 10th, 22nd to 26th, 31st

Number of Hot Days (> 25 oC)

0 (0)

Monthly Precipitation

83.0 mm (73.2 mm)

Greatest 24 h Precipitation

21.8 mm (16.4 mm)

19th - 20th

Number of Dry Days

6 (15)

Monthly Sunshine Hours (estimated)

46 (46)

Average Wind Speed

4 km/h (3 km/h)

Highest Wind Speed

66 km/h (60 km/h)


Maximum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1032.3 hPa (1049.6 hPa)


Minimum Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

972.4 hPa (985.0 hPa)


Average Barometric Pressure (Sea Level)

1011.2 hPa (1018.0 hPa)


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